SERPitude SERP & Rich Snippet Testing Tool

by Jaco

Free SERPitude SERP and rich snippet testing SEO tool.

RankTank SERPitude is a completely free desktop app with a ton of functionality, allowing you to examine SERP appearance and results in detail. Check your rich snippet indexation and content, see which results have image thumbnails, check for title and description issues, and see what things look like LIVE in Google results! Best of all, you can export all of this data and open it up in your favorite spreadsheet application.

SERPitude SERP and rich snippet testing SEO tool

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Get this SEO tool for free!
You can download the Windows or Mac OSX version of this tool, help fix and improve it for others.
Note: On the Windows version, the SERPitude Libs folder must remain with the application. Don’t move the app without moving that folder too!


  • Get SERPs by domain, keyword, advanced search query, or any combination of those!
  • For each search result, SERPitude pulls out Result Number, Type, Title, URL, Rich Snippet Content, Date, Indexed Description, Star Count, Number of Ratings, Image Thumbnail Existance, Truncated Title, and Truncated Description. Heck yes!
  • Handles huge sites with 100’s of indexed pages… just keep clicking the “Add next 100 results” button!
  • SERP Overview panel has graphs to show rich snippet indexation level, truncated title level, and truncated description level.
  • SERP preview panel shows the SERP item exactly as it appears on Google!
  • You can search within the results from right within SERPitude
  • Oh yeah, you can EXPORT EVERYTHING into a tab delimited spreadsheet, which opens right up in Excel or Open Office!

Why am I giving this away for free?

Meh, I made it for stuff I was working on, and I really love it. I hope you find it as useful as I do. It’s kind of like a super-duper desktop version of the rich snippet testing Google Doc that Bill Sebald originally helped with 🙂

How to use this thing?

It’s pretty simple. You can search by Domain and/or Query (including advanced Google queries). Let’s break it down real quick with screenshots.

1. Open the app, and enter your search queries

SERPitude SERP and rich snippet testing SEO tool first run

When you first open the app, you’ll see that I’ve set the domain to and the query to inurl:recipe so you can see how it works.

Let’s go ahead an hit Run the query and see how this thing works. You’ll also note that you can change the Google country version as well.

2. Add the next 100 results until you’ve got ’em all

SERPitude SERP and rich snippet testing SEO tool load next 100

You’ll notice that when we hit Run the query, we load up to the first 100 results. Need more than that? Hit Add next 100 results to append the next 100 results to the list. You can keep doing this until you’ve got everything that Google’s gonna give!

You can tell you’re out of results when the text of the Add next 100 results button changes to All indexed results found.

3. Analyze the data!

SERPitude SERP and rich snippet testing SEO tool search in results

You can now do a lot of cool stuff within the app to analyze the SERP data.

For example, you can sort the columns by clicking on the column headers. Try clicking on the Rich Snippet Contentto see all of the results with indexed rich snippets!

The bottom-left box has a number of things you can do. You can even search within the results by Title, URL or Domain! Simply click Search in Results.

4. Export the data!

SERPitude SERP and rich snippet testing SEO tool export data

If you’ve taken a look at the rest of the site, I’m an Excel and Google Doc nerd at heart. Use the Export Data button to export everything into a tab-delimited spreadsheet which can be opened in Excel or Open Office!

SERPitude SERP and rich snippet testing SEO tool works with Excel

Look how nicely it plays with Excel 🙂

What about CAPTCHAs?

SERPitude SERP and rich snippet testing SEO tool captchas

We’ve got CAPTCHAs covered.

If Google throws up a captcha, we pop the CAPTCHA up in a native HTML browser window enclosed in the app. That way it’s seamless, and Google knows you’re a real live person.

Know Issues

1. This tool needs to be updated to function correctly on all systems.

Leave a Comment


Bobby 23 August 2016 - 4:42 pm

Hey Sean, just tried to download it but the Windows link takes me to a 404. Dropbox says the file isn’t there anymore.


Jaco 29 November 2016 - 11:48 am

Hi Bobby, links have been updated to S3 and should all be working as expected. 😛

Adrien 17 August 2016 - 9:58 am

Hello, the link is dead. I can’t download Serptitude…


Jaco 29 November 2016 - 11:49 am

Hi Adrien, links have been updated and downloads should work as expected.

jsam 28 January 2016 - 2:32 am

Does not work for me. Win 8.

Click run query and nothing happens, for any search engine or setting.

Mirko 29 December 2015 - 4:03 pm

Thanks for the resource, it will now to download and run some tests!

Win 3 August 2015 - 2:14 pm

This is a fantastic tool. I’d expect you’ll be seeing a beer or two come your way.

Does anyone know if there is a search parameter I could include to ignore site links? I’m doing some reputation management and would like to filter everything but top level search results.

For reference, my xpath query when doing this with Google Sheets =importxml function looks like this:

"//h3[not (ancestor::div[@class='sld'])][@class='r']/a/@href[contains(.,'url')]"


Ceno 14 July 2015 - 2:04 pm

Is the windows link broken

Sean Malseed 19 July 2015 - 9:57 pm

Just checked, and it seems to be working.

Amir 29 June 2015 - 7:57 am

Hi Sean,
Very nice tool !
Can you please explain how do you know exactly what is the page keyword and than look for it’s ranks?
Lets take for example you example.
First result: Absolute Best Ever Lasagna Recipe – : url :
What is the keyword you are checking here?

Mobile SEO 16 June 2015 - 5:24 am

[…] man nun mit einem kleinen kostenlosen Tool selber testen, ohne dabei sein Smartphone zu benutzen. Rank Tank Mobile Serp Tester nennt sich das Tool und kann bequem vom Desktop-Computer verwendet werden. Einziger Nachteil, das […]

RankTank SERPitude SERP & Rich Snippet Testing Tool 3 June 2015 - 9:16 am

[…] einiger Zeit stolperte ich via twitter über das RankTank SERPitude SERP & Rich Snippet Testing Tool von Sean Malseed. Als ich damals einen Dropbox-Link bekam, um es zu testen, war es noch sehr am […]

Lord of Duck 25 April 2015 - 7:18 pm

Ah now i know which one of my post not meet requirement for title and description lenght
thank you

Joelleb9 | Pearltrees 10 April 2015 - 6:08 pm

[…] – Competitive Link Building for 2015. Le Web 4.0 sera celui du génome, et y’a de quoi flipper. SERPitude SERP & Rich Snippet Testing Tool | The Rank Tank! E-commerce : obligations légales et bonnes pratiques. […]

Danny 4 April 2015 - 7:02 am

You’ve done a pretty nice work, keep it up. 🙂 Looking forward to future releases.

Name 3 April 2015 - 3:33 pm

Hey man,
seems like a great tool but it doens’t work for me either.
1 out of 10 keywords crawled succesfully and nothing makes it work

Jimmy Donnellan 26 March 2015 - 12:08 pm

Guys, this is absolute boss. Made me realise that I need to switch from “out of 10” to star reviews for

Will buy you a beer once I’m not poor.

Sean Malseed 26 March 2015 - 2:15 pm

Thanks Jimmy!

Anthony 26 March 2015 - 11:16 am

Hi Sean, the windows download link seems to be broken?

Sean Malseed 26 March 2015 - 2:13 pm

Hi Anthony, could you try it again? I just checked and it’s working. Maybe it was a momentary hiccup 🙂

SEO-tool Serpitude en interview met Sean Malseed by @dailybits 26 March 2015 - 8:54 am

[…] afgelopen dagen heeft Sean (@seanmalseed) nu de eerste stabiele versie van zijn Serpitude SEO tool online geplaatst. Met deze desktoptool kan je eenvoudig gaan kijken hoe een bepaalde website in de […]

Emanuele Vaccari 26 March 2015 - 8:11 am

Hi there Sean,
that’s some cool tool you got there :).
I shared it on a famous italian SEO community and we were very happy to beta test it a lot ;).
Got a few hint of things that you can add to the program:

1) the ability copy/paste single cells/columns/rows
2) the ability to save column sorting/width into a profile

that would be both very cool adds :).

Thank you in advance and expect a few beers 😉

Sean Malseed 26 March 2015 - 2:15 pm

Thanks Emanuele! I was watching all of the Italian traffic in GA and wondering where it was coming from 🙂 Those are great ideas! I’m working on #1 now, and I’ll have to see about implementing #2 because it’s great.

I’ll appreciate the beers!

Emanuele Vaccari 31 March 2015 - 2:31 pm

Very cool Sean, lookin forward about the changes :)!
I will be reviewing this tool very soon on the new version of my blog, so expect another bit of italian traffic 🙂 , maybe buy a panino with a beer!

Emanuele Vaccari 31 March 2015 - 2:37 pm

PS: i forgot to add another hint: the ability to utilize a proxy or some other way to trigger non localized searches!

Sean Malseed 31 March 2015 - 2:40 pm

Soon, soon 🙂

Sean Malseed 31 March 2015 - 2:39 pm

Thanks for the beers buddy! I’m really grateful for the review too. I’d love to read it (well, Google translate it) when it’s done. Also, I have family in Milan so they’ll be excited about it 🙂

[Tool] Serp Analysis made easy (...and Free) 25 March 2015 - 12:50 pm

[…] are working (in competitive/manipulated SERPs this can be turned off by Google) Download it:…-testing-tool/ If you've other free softwares like this report it here giving directions on how to use them. […]

Kyle Sutton 24 March 2015 - 9:05 pm

This is a really valuable tool, Sean. Nice work. A couple questions I have after checking it out:

1) To confirm, the SERP preview is coming live from Google, and is not something you’re reconstructing?
2) When a user runs a query, does Google see it as coming from their IP address? I see you have the CAPTCHA check, but are there any safeguards in place in case Google decides to block your IP for running these mass searches?

Thanks much,

Sean Malseed 24 March 2015 - 9:23 pm

Thanks Kyle! Happy to answer your questions.

1) Yep, the SERP preview is coming live from Google.

2) The searches do come from your IP, but it’s highly unlikely you’ll get blocked. I’m using an embedded WebKit web browser to get the search results, so to Google it’s the same as if you were running that search through Chrome or Safari. It’s also only one request to Google per 100 results.

Kyle Sutton 24 March 2015 - 9:35 pm

Great. Thanks Sean!

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